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Iolanthe 1989

Cast and Crew

Cast List

The Lord Chancellor Andrew Murray

Earl of Mountararat Tony Hale

Earl Tolloller Bernard Redfern

Private Willis (of the Grenadier Guards) Bob Cairns

Strephon (an Arcadian Shepherd) Graham Breeze

Queen of the Fairies Eve Cooper

Iolanthe (a Fairy, Strephon’s Mother) Judy Poulter

Celia (A Fairy) Christine Angeloff

Lelia (A Fairy) Sue Pointon

Fleta (A Fairy) Sarah Wellings

Phyllis (an Arcadian Sheherdess and ward of Chancery) Sue Nock

Chorus of Fairies Phyllis Anderson Victoria Dolan Annette Evans Yvonne Fursey Mary Lee Marion Lowe Yvonne Redfern Norma Smith Muriel Surrall Dilys Williams Mary Young

Chorus of Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Viscounts & Barons Bill Anderson Reg Aston David Barke Robin Cooper Brian Jones Ian Martin Dave Moore Michael Rawlings Brian Roberts Stephen Venezia Nigel Whyles Mike Williams

The Production Team

Co-Producer & Musical Director Keith Downing

Co-Producer & Choreographer Norma Smith

Production Co-ordinator Eve Cooper

Stage Manager Alan Cartlidge

Stage Crew Members of the Players

Lights Brian Eades

Sound Andy Chamley

Wardrobe Jose Downing assisted by Liz Downing Val Davies Sarah Downing Margaret Jones

Calls Dorothy Roberts

Properties Sue Goater and Members of the Company

Prompt Carl Angeloff

Make Up Nora Ball Ray Hindley

Hon. Accompanist Ann Stubley assisted by Chris Danks

Front of House Manager Heather Jones and Members and Friends of the Society

Ticket Sales Ian Hart assisted by Jennie Elliott Keith Tisdale

Sponsorships Brian Roberts

Show Gallery

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