Cast and Crew
Cast List:
Scrooge: David Leask
Bob Cratchit: Carl Wellington
Mrs Cratchit: Emma Parker
Kathy Cratchit: Ellie Farrington
Peter Cratchit: Domonic Griffin
Martha Cratchit: Gemma Lockett
Belind Cratchit: Francessca Gough
Tiny Tim: Katie Crosland
Tiny Tim (understudy): Victoria Lampitt
Nephew (Harry): Adam Giblin
Helen: Emma Dippie
Bess: Elizabeth Law
Wine Merchant: Brandon Corfield
Mrs Carstairs: Jo McMellon
Henrietta Harty: Bev McCarthy
Jocelyn Jollygood: Andrew Dippie
Bissett (The Butcher): Terry Lockett
Mrs Dilber: Mary Young
Miss Dilber / School Teacher: Sheila Hood
Beggar: Jo Matkin
Punch & Judy Man: Andrew Marshall
Tom Jenkins: Matthew Rice
Jacob Marley: Garry Bailey
The Ghost of Christmas Past: Lucy Barnes
The Ghost of Christmas Present: John Eaton
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come: Lynn Hunt Craib
Jen: Emily Oldham, Katie Matheson
Ebby: Declan Heaney, Michael McCarthy
Fezziwig: John Eaton
Mrs Fezziwig: Jayne Dippie
Young Scrooge: Rhys Baker
Isabel: Sarah Ralten
Topper: Liam Baker
Boy with Sleigh: Eddie Griffiths
Mary: Sue Pointon
Mrs Pringle: Rose Gouge
Posh Ladies: Marion Lowe, Dilys Williams
The Phantoms: Bev McCarthy, Elizabeth Law, Jo McMellon, Barbara Devey
Dancers: Sam Bushell, Jason Marshall
Children: Matthew Marshall, Scott Gater, Michael McCarthy, Fabian Ward, Ashleigh Dunn, Abigail Johnson, Jack McCarthy, Victoria Lampitt, Emily Oldham, Declan Heaney, Alex Lockett, Aaron Dippie, Milly King, Leah Johnson, Abigail Tipton, Charlotte Lampitt, Molly Venn, Robyn Heaney, Kati Matheson
Production Team:
Director: David Griffiths
Musical Director: Mark Parry
Choreographer: Debbie Ashford
Accompainst: Suzanne Findlay, Julie Dipple
Assistant to the Director: Nathan Dippie
Production Co-ordinator: Eve Cooper
Stage Manager: John Brown
Assistant Stage Manager: Peter Cooper
Stage Crew: Jon Drew, Shaun Parkes, Martin Wootton, James Cruddas, Tony Jones, Teresa Collins
Lighting Technician: Brian Eades
Sound Technician: Gary Parton
Stage Properties: Norma Tranter assisted by Jennie Elliott, Nigel Whyles, Delia Brown
Wardrobe: Josie Downing assisted by Lyn Hunt Craib
Make Up: Alison Jackson, Nina Jackson
Hair: Lynn Hunt Craib
Prompt: Nathan Dippie
Front of House Manager: Norma Smith assisted by Members & Friends of the Society
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