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Sweet Charity 1998

Cast and Crew

Cast List

Charity Hope Valentine Helen Pickford

Helene Joanna Garratley

Nickie Eileen Woolley

Carmen Elizabeth Gunn

Suzanne Stephanie Hood

Frenchy Vikki Thornton

Rosie Lisa Adams

Elaine Rosemary Suggitt

Betsy Darrell Gorman Collinge

Spender Girls Sioned Roberts, Gemma Guest

Herman David Leask

Ursula March Gina Snape

Vittorio Vidal Eric Pover

Oscar Lindquist Simon Lucas

Daddy Brubeck Chris Brown

Narrator Robin Cooper

Company Ken Brookes Stephen Davies Norma Downing Nathan Dippie Emma Dippie Patrick Edwards Danielle Hoyle Pat Hughes Andy Jones Brian Jones Marion Lowe Jo McMellon Cath Maclver Andy Reed Gill Williams Mary Young

Production Team

Director/Choreographer Russell Lucas

Musical Director Ian Pickford

Choreographer Jo Carter

Accompanist Pam Vaughan

Stage Manager Mike Law

Asst. Stage Managers John Brown Peter Cooper

Show Co-ordinator Nigel Whyles

Stage Crew Phil Brown Mike Collinge Alistair Craib Theresa Collins Rob Hughes Kevin Read-Jones Mark Law Jason McCombIan Maxwell-Muller Andrew Murray Martin Patrick Phillip Patrick Jo Patrick Keith Roberts Simon Tranter Jonathan Vince Sue Watts

Lighting Brian Eades

Sound Ray Newell

Stage Properties Alan Hughes Jane Lillestone Angeline Mathias

Wardrobe Margaret Evans

Asst. Wardrobe Pat Brown Megan Harding

Dressers Helen Bryant Gina Evans Jane Evans Catherine Davies Pauline Hoyle

Make-Up Michelle Walters

Hair Norma Smith assisted by Sue Munslow

Calls Kevin Read-Jones

Prompt Sue Pointon Gill Read-Jones

Front of House Manager Eve Cooper

Front of House Les Beresford Pauline Cooper James Craib Josie Downing Kathy Dumbrill Jennie Elliott Wendy Freeman Megan Harding Ian Hart Ray Hindley Heather Jones Nina Macleod Barbara Price Colin Price Brian Roberts Norma Smith Keith Tisdale Nigel Whyles Sheila Whyles

Dance Captains Joanna Garratley Elizabeth Gunn Stephanie Hood Gina Snape Rosemary Suggitt

Health & Safety Co-ordinator James Craib

Programme Helen Bryant Nigel Whyles

Show Gallery

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