The Sound of Music 1991
This is the story of a young postulant, Maria Rainer, who is sent by the Mother Abbess of Nonnberg Abbey from the convent to become governess to the Von Trapp family. Maria meets the strict Captain briefly before his departure to Vienna and his seven children. During the Captain’s absence, Maria slowly builds up the trust and confidence of the children and by his return is a real friend to them.
Captain Von Trapp returns with Elsa Schraeder, the lady he intends will become his wife but on his return he too slowly learns to trust and like Maria.
He throws a ball to show Elsa his friends but is quickly realising it is Maria he loves. Maria, realising this, leaves the family to return to the Abbey where Mother Abbess tells her the convent was not there to hide from life and that she must face up to things and “Climb Every Mountain”.
Maria returns to the family. Elsa realises she and the Captain are wrong for each other and leaves. The Captain and Maria marry and during their honeymoon the Anschluss happens and the Nazis take control of Austria. When the Captain and Maria return they realise they must leave Austria of the Captain will have to serve in the navy of the Third Reich. After appearing in the Kaltzberg Festival they leave and hide in the Abbey Gardens while the Nazis search for them. They escape over the mountains to a new life together.
Cast and Crew
Cast List
Maria Rainer Helen Hood
Sister Bertha Mary Law
Sister Margaretta Eve Cooper
The Mother Abbess Christine Angeloff
Sister Sophia Megan Harding
Captain Georg Von Trapp Tony Hale
Franz Tim Moruzzi
Frau Schmidt Delia Edwards
Liesl Liz Gunn
Friedrich Alistair Harlond
Louisa Haidee Towle
Kurt Christopher Brown
Brigitta Helen Chambers
Marta Jenna Ridgway
Gretl Lisa Jones (Mon, Wed, Fri) Charlotte Pooler (Tue, Thu, Sat)
Rolf Gruber Nigel Whyles
Elsa Schraeder Sue Pointon
Ursula Margaret Evans
Max Detweiler Ian Pickford
Herr Zeller David Barke
Frau Zeller Mary Lee
Baron Elberfeld Brian Roberts
Baroness Elberfeld Dilys Williams
A Postulant Jennie Elliott
Admiral Von Schreiber Ray Hindley
Company Phylis Anderson Tracy Baylis Graham Brown Maria Chapman Robin Cooper Victoria Dolan Jennie Elliott Margaret Evans Wendy Freeman Brenda Guy Ian Hart Ray Hindley Mary Lee Marion Lowe Simon Lucas Jo McMellon Karen Machin Bernard Millard Debbie Owen Carole Rutter Norma Smith Gina Snape Rosemary Suggitt Keith Tinsdale Dilys Williams Mike Williams Mary Young
Production Team
Producer Carl Angeloff
Choreographer Debbie Owen
Musical Director Robert Wysome
Asst. Producer Andy Killick
Asst. Choreographer Simon Lucas
Stage Manager Ian Maxwell-Muller
Asst. Stage Manager Mike Law
Stage Crew Reg Aston David Barke Phil Brown John Brown Bob Cairns Peter Cooper Martin Dolan James Elliot Rob Hughes Brian Jones Derek Jones Mary Jones Norman Jones Mark Law Bob Morgan Andrew Murray Joe Patrick Eric Pover
Sound Brian Eades
Lighting Justin Bilton
Wardrobe Jose Downing
Dressers Liz Downing Sarah Downing Val Davies
Make-Up Rob Talbot Ray Hindley
Make-Up Advisor Nora Ball Janet Murray
Hair Norma Smith Sue Munslow Michalin Jordan
Prompt Alyson Douglas Mary Law
Calls Mary Lee
Sponsorship Secretary Brian Pine
Ticket Secretary Brian Pine
Front of House Manager Heather Jones assisted by Members & Friends of the Society
Publicity Nigel Whyles Jennie Elliot Brian Pine
Hon. Auditor Ken Holloway
Show Gallery